Craig Martin

Executive Director

Bridge Boston Charter School

Craig Martin is an award-winning teacher and principal, and frequent speaker on transformational leadership, diversity, equity, inclusion, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive pedagogy & practice, and culturally responsive teaching. Since June 2019, he has served as the Executive Director of Bridge Boston Charter School in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood.

Craig was named the 2018 National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the 2018 Elementary Principal of the Year by the Massachusetts School Administrators Association. In 2009, Boston Public Schools awarded Craig the Educator of the Year award.

Craig achieved his national profile during his six-year principalship of the Michael J. Perkins School where student achievement improved by +320% leading to reversals in achievement gaps among English Language Learners and Latino American Learners, a 50% reduction in suspensions, and a 25% decline in chronic absenteeism.

Since joining Bridge Boston, Craig has implemented a competitive teacher compensation model, adopted restorative practices to champion student voice and reduce punitive disciplinary measures, oversaw the hiring and onboarding of a new principal, and is managing the school’s response to COVID-19.

Craig earned his Bachelor of Arts in elementary education from Dillard University in his native New Orleans, Louisiana, and his Master of Education from Lesley University in Cambridge, Mass.



The Future of Math Teacher Professional Learning is a free two-day virtual conference open to all. Attendees are welcome to attend one or both days. We hope to see you there!

Attendees will receive a calendar invite with a link to the conference a few days before the event.

***Registration is now closed***