Computers & Education. (146)
May 31, 2019
Using multi-platform learning analytics to compare regional and global MOOC learning in the Arab world
José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Sherif Halawa, Rachel Slama, Justin Reich
Recent studies of massive open online courses (MOOCs) have focused on global providers such as edX, Coursera, and FutureLearn, with less attention to local initiatives that target regional learners. In this study we combine data from the main edX platform and one regional MOOC provider, Edraak in Jordan, to explore differences in learners’ behavior and preferences. We find that regional provider Edraak attracts younger learners, more females and those with lower levels of education compared to global providers. Edraak learners value local courses because they cater to their interests and learning needs. We document our multi-platform learning analytics procedure, where we establish a common data format and script that enables an “apples-to-apples” comparison without exchanging data — a common privacy and data security concern. These findings suggest the potential of this methodological approach to study and learn from regional MOOC providers, particularly around the questions of equity and access in the global MOOC ecosystem.
Ruipérez-Valiente J.A., Jenner M., Staubitz T., Li X., Rohloff T., Halawa S., Turro C., Cheng Y., Zhang J., Despujol I., Reich J. Macro MOOC learning analytics: Exploring trends across global and regional providers ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020
Links to Research
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