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July 11, 2019
Teaching Systems Lab MOOCs In Review: 2017-2019
Justin Reich, Elizabeth Huttner-Loan
The mission of the Teaching Systems Lab is to design, implement and the future of teacher learning. Between 2017 and 2019, the lab released four MOOCs on change leadership, including Launching Innovation in Schools, Design Thinking for Leading and Learning, Envisioning the Graduate of the Future, and Competency-Based Education: The What, Why and How. This submission is a compendium of review papers describing findings from six instantiations of these four courses.
Reich, J., & Huttner-Loan, E. (2019, July 12). Teaching Systems Lab MOOCs In Review: 2017-2019.
Reich, Justin, and Elizabeth Huttner-Loan. “Teaching Systems Lab Moocs in Review: 2017-2019.” EdArXiv, 12 July 2019. Web.
Reich, Justin, and Elizabeth Huttner-Loan. 2019. “Teaching Systems Lab Moocs in Review: 2017-2019.” EdArXiv. July 12. doi:10.35542/
Links to Research
Simulating more Equitable Discussions: Using Teacher Moments And Practice Based Teacher Education In Mathematical Professional Learning
Let’s hit the refresh button (a couple of times): Reimagining math curriculum and teacher learning to broaden participation in the math of the future
The power to change the equation: Mathematics teacher learning reimagined