May 4, 2020
“Like Upgrading From a Typewriter to a Computer”: Registered Reports in Education Research
Justin Reich, Hunter Gehbach, Casper J. Albers
Registered reports engender a review process in which reviewers evaluate the merits of the question rather than the magnitude or direction of the results. In this process, authors first submit introduction, methods, and prespecified analyses sections of an article. Next, an initial peer-review process assesses the merits of the question, in the absence of knowing the results. Worthy articles are granted an “in-principle acceptance.” The authors, then conduct their study, analyze their data, write up the remainder of their article, and resubmit it. The in-principle acceptance means that if the authors adhere to the design as originally submitted, then the article will be accepted. Building from seven of the earliest registered reports in education, our introduction describes the benefits, opportunities, and challenges of registered reports as a means to increasing transparency in and reducing the number of illusory results.
Reich, J. Gehlbach, H., Albers, C. (2020) “Like Upgrading from a Typewriter to a Computer” Registered Reports in Education Research. AERA Open.
Links to Research
Simulating more Equitable Discussions: Using Teacher Moments And Practice Based Teacher Education In Mathematical Professional Learning
Let’s hit the refresh button (a couple of times): Reimagining math curriculum and teacher learning to broaden participation in the math of the future
The power to change the equation: Mathematics teacher learning reimagined