April 2017
Discourse: MOOC Discussion Forum Analysis at Scale
Alexander Kindel, Justin Reich, Michael Yeomans, Brandon Stewart
We present Discourse, a tool for coding and annotating MOOC discussion forum data. Despite the centrality of discussion forums to learning in online courses, few tools are available for analyzing these discussions in a context-aware way. Discourse scaffolds the process of coding forum data by enabling multiple coders to work with large amounts of forum data. Our demonstration will enable attendees to experience, explore, and critique key features of the app.
Kindel, A.*, Yeomans, M.*, Reich, J., Stewart, B., & Tingley, D. (2017) Discourse: MOOC Discussion Forum Analysis at Scale. Proceedings of the 2017 Learning @ Scale Conference, Cambridge, MA.
Links to Research
Simulating more Equitable Discussions: Using Teacher Moments And Practice Based Teacher Education In Mathematical Professional Learning
Let’s hit the refresh button (a couple of times): Reimagining math curriculum and teacher learning to broaden participation in the math of the future
The power to change the equation: Mathematics teacher learning reimagined