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June 2017

Design Thinking for Leading and Learning in Review

Justin Reich, Rachel Grubb, Liz Huttner-Loan, Alyssa Napier


Created by Justin Reich and a team of instructional designers from the MIT Teaching Systems Lab, 11.155x: Design Thinking for Leading and Learning asks school leaders at all levels—teacher-leaders, principals, superintendents, and public officials—the following key questions:• Future jobs will require creativity, problem-solving and communication. How do we use design thinking to teach these skills to PK-12 students in meaningful ways?• How do we bring together passionate school leaders to use design thinking to create systemic solutions to educational challenges?


Huttner-Loan, E., Napier, A., Beazley, G., Grubb, R., Reich, J. (2017) Design Thinking for Leading and Learning in Review.

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