If I Want To Start Making Change In My School, How Do I Get Others On Board?
Truly effective change involves people from all across a system. Diverse backgrounds and experiences provide diverse perspectives toward solving a problem. It is especially crucial to involve the stakeholders whose experiences you are trying to improve. For example, if you want to design a new professional development system for teachers, consider how you might include teachers in the design process.
This playlist will give you a glimpse of why it’s important to engage with a diversity of perspectives and ways to handle challenges that may arise.
As you watch these videos, consider the following questions. We encourage you to share your answers or other thoughts inspired by these videos using #TSLMOOCPlaylist.
- In your school or school system, do leaders take in ideas from the school community?
- What kind of stakeholders play a role in developing new ideas for your school community?
- How does your school community engage those stakeholders?