K-12 Teacher
NYC Lab Middle School for Collaborative Studies
Kit Golan is a Math for America Master Teacher in his 10th year of teaching math at a public middle school in New York City. He is dedicated to crafting experiences for his students that invite them to mathematics their lives and see math as a tool for making sense of, explaining, and evaluating their lives. Kit also serves as a co-advisor for his school’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance and organized a contingent of his MfA fellowship teachers for the NYC Pride March in June 2019. He is constantly reflecting on his teaching practice on his blog and on Twitter (@MrKitMath).
The Future of Math Teacher Professional Learning is a free two-day virtual conference open to all. Attendees are welcome to attend one or both days. We hope to see you there!
Attendees will receive a calendar invite with a link to the conference a few days before the event.
***Registration is now closed***