In third second of six in a series of provocations, we distill a series of arguments that we have heard from interviews with math researchers, teachers, teacher leaders, and publishers.
The Power to Change the Equation: Mathematics Teacher Learning Reimagined
In the second of six in a series of provocations, we distill a series of arguments that we have heard from interviews with math researchers, teachers, teacher leaders, and publishers.
Proving to Teachers, Not Teacher Proofing: How to Get Math Teachers to Order from the Menu of Published Curricula
In the third of six in a series of provocations, we distill a series of arguments that we have heard from interviews with math researchers, teachers, teacher leaders, and publishers.
Soft Money and Hard Lessons: Investing in Math Teacher Learning in Poverty-Impacted Schools Requires, Well, an Investment
In this first of six in a series of provocations, we distill a series of arguments that we have heard from interviews with math researchers, teachers, teacher leaders, and publishers.
Book Review of Failure to Disrupt
Check out the latest review from the journal Science.
NSF Announces new DRK-12 awards
Justin Reich is the Co-Principal Investigator on a project that will develop, pilot, and refine a set of coordinated and complementary activities that teacher education programs can use in both online and face-to-face settings.
What’s Lost, What’s Left, What’s Next:
To more deeply understand the practice and professional experiences of educators during the 2020 extended school closures, we interviewed 40 teachers from across the country in public, charter, and private schools, at different grade levels, and in different subject areas.
Imagining September
In May 2020, we conducted four online design charrettes with school and district leaders, teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders to translate design-based practices for leading school change into an online context.
Remote Learning Guidance From State Education Agencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
We analyze the state education agency policy guidance concerning remote learning published by all 50 U.S. states by the end of March 2020.
Full STEAM Ahead
The mission is to create and share high quality resources to facilitate digital and non-digital learning for K-12 and lifelong learners. By providing science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) based instructional materials and an open forum for users to share insights, we aim to inspire a diverse global community of educators, students, and parents to find innovative solutions to the challenges of learning at a distance