Professional Learning Facilitator, Mathematics, K–12 Services
The University of Texas, Austin Dana Center
Denise provides professional learning opportunities and resources for teachers and leaders to catalyze school and district improvements that increase student success in mathematics and advance college- and career-readiness goals. She designs, plans, and facilitates development experiences for teachers and leaders—both in person and virtually. Denise serves as the secondary content lead on the Louisiana Department of Education Content Leader Initiative, a project that provides professional learning across the state while building capacity for leadership within districts and the state. She also served as a secondary content developer and professional learning facilitator on the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity’s System-wide PK-12 Mathematics Professional Learning Initiative, a project providing a series of aligned, coherent, and interdependent professional development sessions that build the capacity of DoDEA educators to ensure that all students graduate college and career ready in math. In addition, Denise is a part of a strategy team for the Dana Center’s Launch Year’s initiative, which seeks to usher in a new paradigm to support students for college preparation and guide them through pathways for degree attainment, specifically focusing on the transition from junior year of high school through their junior year in college.
The Future of Math Teacher Professional Learning is a free two-day virtual conference open to all. Attendees are welcome to attend one or both days. We hope to see you there!
Attendees will receive a calendar invite with a link to the conference a few days before the event.
***Registration is now closed***