Failure to Disrupt
In Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education, Justin Reich delivers a sobering report card on the latest supposedly transformative educational technologies. Reich takes readers on a tour of MOOCs, autograders, computerized “intelligent tutors,” and other educational technologies whose problems and paradoxes have bedeviled educators. Learning technologies―even those that are free to access―often provide the greatest benefit to affluent students and do little to combat growing inequality in education. And institutions and investors often favor programs that scale up quickly, but at the expense of true innovation. It turns out that technology cannot by itself disrupt education or provide shortcuts past the hard road of institutional change.
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Forbes Magazine
Executive Director of the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab, The University of Texas at Arlington
Hobbs Research Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
In the Fall of 2020 Justin Reich hosted special guest presenters, students from MIT, and others from around the world in a discussion of the 10 chapters of Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education. Then he explored those discussions in his TeachLab Podcast.