The Secret to Innovation in Schools

In Iterate: The Secret to Innovation in Schools, veteran educator, MIT professor, and incorrigible innovator Justin Reich delivers an insightful bridge between contemporary educational research and classroom teaching, showing you how to leverage the cycle of experiment and experience to create a compelling and engaging learning environment. In the book, you'll learn how to employ a process of continuous improvement and tinkering to develop exciting new programs, activities, processes, and designs.

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"Justin Reich has written a gem of a book. Iteration is a how-to manual for climbing out of that rut and rediscovering the creative processes that reside in all of us. It should be on every educator's bookshelf."

Sam Wineberg

Margaret Jacks Professor of Education, Emeritus, Standford University, Founder of the Stanford History Education Group

“In The Magic School Bus, Ms. Frizzle gives her students some great advice: ‘Take chances, make mistakes, get messy.’ In his timely new book Iterate, Justin Reich gives similar advice for classroom teachers and school leaders, providing useful examples and practical tips on how to innovate at all levels of the school ecosystem by continually experimenting with new approaches and making changes based on the results, over and over again.”

Mitch Resnick

Professor at MIT, the director of Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, and the developer of the Scratch creative computing community.

“This is a book for every educator, community member, family member, and policymaker interested in learning more about the work they do to improve it. Drawing from his rich and robust experiences as well as transdisciplinary perspectives on designing and improving teaching, Reich has produced a powerful book that innovates as it educates.”

H. Richard Milner IV

Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair of Education, Immediate-Past President, American Educational Research Association; author"

Take a deeper dive

To celebrate the launch and dig into the themes of the book Justin released a series of conversations with innovative educators. on his TeachLab Podcast.

Erik Burmeister

Justin is joined by Erik Burmeister, an award-winning teacher, principal, and superintendent who worked as a highly impactful educator in California for over 20 years before launching his strategic consulting firm, Solutionary Advisors. We talk with Erik about his experiences leading change using design and innovation principles.

Ronni Moore

This week we’re lucky to be joined by Ronni Moore, an educator who is passionate about re-envisioning what school can be. Ronni is the director of high schools for Crystal House Indianapolis, and was part of the founding team of Purdue Polytechnic High School North, a design thinking high school in Indianapolis, Indiana. We talk to Ronni about the power of relationships, achieving big change through small steps and leading throughout the pandemic.

Mel Ching

Mel is the Director of Engagement at What School Could Be, and before that worked as a classroom teacher, technology facilitator and coach, and administrator at Hawaiʻi’s first public charter school for 23 years. A maker enthusiast, Mel believes that intentionally designing environments in which learners are free to tinker builds stronger communities and richer connections.

We talk to Mel about her experiences with the Cycle of Experiment and Peer Learning, and the idea that people who can really change the teaching and the learning in schools are the classroom teachers.

Ronni Moore

In our final episode in our Iterate series, we are joined by one of our favorite collaborators here at the Teaching Systems Lab: artist, creative professional and graphic recorder, Haley McDevitt. Haley is a master of listening, synthesizing, and creating visuals that support big ideas. And, Haley is the illustrator of our host Justin Reich’s new book, Iterate: The Secret to Innovation in Schools.

Justin and Haley go behind the scenes to share the creative process for the book’s illustrations. We also hear about Haley’s own experiences with iteration and growth mindset in her creative life, and learn about the amazing resources that she created to support educators who read Iterate.